Xiaomi is all set to launch its latest flagship smartphone, the Mi Note 2, on Tuesday. The company has scheduled an event in Beijing that kicks off at 2pm CST (11:30am IST) and will also be live streamed (seen below). Apart from the name of the smartphone, Xiaomi has all but confirmed that the Mi Note 2 will sport a curved display similar to the dual-edge display seen on the Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge. The company revealed the Mi Note 2 launch date, name, and the 'two-sided dual curve' design in atweet on Friday. Nearly all details about the smartphone have also been leaked in the past few weeks, from several pricing rumours, to the complete specifications via leaked presentation slides. Of course, all will be revealed in a few hours, and you can watch the live stream below. source:Gadgets360
Xiaomi’s Redmi Pro is the beginning of what’s likely to become a staple in Xiaomi’s yearly releases henceforth. Sitting somewhere in between the Redmi Note and Mi line of phones, the Redmi Pro’s base model features a MediaTek Helio X20 2.0GHz processor, 3GB of RAM, 32GB of internal storage and retails for around $224. For just $30 more ($254) you can get the upgraded model that comes with a faster MediaTek Helio X25 2.5GHz processor, 4GB of RAM and 64GB of internal storage. The final price category of $299 keeps those upgraded specs and pushes the internal storage up to 128GB, giving you oodles of space to store your apps, games and especially pictures and video, not to mention the fact that all three models feature microSD card support for expandable storage.
Yesterday Google announced for the first time a family of products that brings people the best of Google through hardware and software made by Google. We're excited that the lineup features the first phone made by Google inside and out — Pixel.
For those of you who have followed Google closely, that name may sound familiar to you because we've used the Pixel name in the past for consumer hardware products that represented an overall premium Google experience. Many of you may also be familiar with the Nexus program. Since 2010, we’ve partnered closely with mobile handset partners around the world to bring you the best of Android. Through Nexus, the goal was to work with these various partners to push the boundaries of what’s possible with a smartphone. We’ve now decided to take the next step and provide our take on the best Google experience, by bringing hardware and software design together under one roof.
Pixel, Phone by Google
With Pixel, we obsessed over every detail, from the industrial design to the user experience. We carefully sculpted the surfaces of the phone, and rounded the edges to make it easy to grip. We used 2.5D Corning® Gorilla® Glass 4 on the front display and back glass to accent the aerospace grade aluminum body. The glass on the back also features Pixel Imprint, our fingerprint sensor, which is placed on the back of the phone where your finger expects it. You can even swipe it to access your notifications. And no matter what you’re using your phone for, you’ll need a battery that lasts all day and charges fast — up to seven hours in 15 minutes.
Meet your Google Assistant
Pixel is the first phone with the Google Assistant built in. With your Assistant, you can have a natural conversation with Google to find answers or get things done on the go.
The best smartphone camera. Ever.
The Pixel camera is not only the best smartphone camera we’ve ever made, it’s the highest rated smartphone camera anyone has ever made. Our DxOMark Mobile score of 89 is a great example of what’s possible when great hardware meets great software. Pixel puts cutting-edge computational photography in an ultra-fast and easy-to-use camera.
More to love
Pixel ships with the newest Android operating system, Android 7.1 Nougat. Phones will get software and security updates as soon as they’re available, directly from Google. We’ve also made the update process easier. When a new update is available, it can download and install in the background — no more waiting around for your phone to update.
Make it yours
Pixel comes in two sizes, 5” or 5.5”, and three colors: Very Silver, Quite Black and our limited edition for the U.S. only, Really Blue. And whatever you choose, we’ve got cases to match. In addition to customizing Live Cases with your favorite photos and places, we’re introducing a new Artworks collection that features exclusive designs from artists like Justin Maller, and photographers like Canadian astronaut Chris Hadfield. We’re also excited to offer a new collection ofsilicone and clear cases.